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Bola Ibidapo – 宝博体育 Student in 布宜诺斯艾利斯

by 东航卡帕 Content Creator
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A 宝博体育 student smiling and holding the Argentinian flag

校友关注: Bola Ibidapo – Studying Abroad in 布宜诺斯艾利斯 

Bola Ibidapo is a Fall 2014  布宜诺斯艾利斯 东航卡帕 alum. 博拉从国外回来后,继续与人共同创立了这家公司 Too Fly基金会这是一家帮助代表性不足和资源不足的学生学习和出国旅行的非营利组织. 自2016年以来,Too Fly已经帮助全国300多名学生看到了世界. 

下面, 我们和波拉聊了聊她的留学经历,以及这段经历如何促成了Too Fly基金会的成立, 并分享最近在乔治亚州举办的CEA capa赞助的Too Fly基金会外展活动的一些亮点. 

A 宝博体育 student smiling and holding the Argentinian flag


What inspired you to 宝博体育? 

三个部分. One was from a practical part as a Spanish minor. 我知道我想要 宝博体育 somew在这里 Spanish speaking and get immersed in that language. “T在这里’s nothing like learning a language in real time.” While I was initially interested in 南非, I did some research, and decided on South America. 启发我的第二部分是我的姐姐,她在我上中学的时候宝博体育. 第三个原因是我妈妈,我的父母都是尼日利亚移民. They were international students and explored and learned abroad. My mom is always saying, “spread your wings, travel far.“所以,我想,这是我的最后一年,所以现在是机不可失,我再也没有机会了。.

A group of people posing for a photo


Describe your experience studying abroad in 布宜诺斯艾利斯. 

布宜诺斯艾利斯 很热闹,人们很晚才起床,乘坐公共交通工具——这是一个真正的城市吗. I love the uniqueness of 布宜诺斯艾利斯 from a historical standpoint. It’s a different flavor from the rest of the continent. People say it’s “the 巴黎 of South America,各种文化激发了这座城市的灵感,比如种族动态, and the history behind that. Locals are very prideful people, in a good way. 我最喜欢的是 浅田和另外, I’m from Texas so I know barbecue. My time t在这里 was interesting for multiple reasons. 住在城市里, experiencing a different lifestyle, getting into the interests, 作为一名在美国的黑人学生,我亲身经历了历史上肮脏和美好的部分.S.

A group of people posing for a photo



One thing I always say is, 我的经历是我是整个项目中两个黑人学生中的一个. That’s a dynamic in itself. 我没有见过和我长得像的人,这意味着我没有和他们一样的经历. 还是那一层. In 布宜诺斯艾利斯, the dynamic of race is wild t在这里. On a personal level kids would look at me and wave. One time we stumbled upon a multicultural fair ironically, 有些人想和我合影,尽管我没有参与其中, 一个专门为非洲裔举办的非裔阿根廷节日,有音乐和食物. We met a bunch of other Black students t在这里. 我想,如果我们能为旅行者建立这种平等的差距,我想知道这能为世界做些什么. 



What got you to Too Fly?  

一切都始于我和合伙人布兰登的一次简单对话. We bonded over shared experiences. Our conversation went something like, “we don’t just want them to see the world, we want the world to see them.” I graduated in 2015 and moved to Dallas. 在这些网络团体中,我的联合创始人告诉我,他正在为另一个实体的护照意识月筹款. 我们谈到了我们所热爱的东西,以及作为我们项目中仅有的黑人学生之一,宝博体育的艰难之处. 我说:“你们应该有一个欢乐时光,叫它Too Fly happy hour为护照筹款.” And that’s how Too Fly started - as a fundraiser first in Dallas, 然后是纽约, DC, 俄克拉何马州, 洛杉矶, 和芝加哥. 这很酷,因为我们想找到一种回馈社会的方式,举办一场社交活动. 我们给每个人发了一个胸牌,说不要写你的名字, write down a country you want to visit. 我们基本上是在为孩子们筹集资金,让他们在不同的城市办护照. Now it’s a very strong grassroots foundation. T在这里 were Black professionals we talked to, 他们说他们第一次坐飞机是在上大学的时候,我们意识到我们必须增加一些服务,比如更多的旅行补助和更多的飞行学院的外展活动. 我们在高中和初中举办了精力充沛的动员会式活动,让学生们考虑旅行. A lot of our scholars are the first to have a passport and travel.  




从左到右, 来自斯佩尔曼学院Gordon-Zeto全球教育中心的Taisha Seablot和Too Fly基金会的Bola Ibidapo.


Highlights from the April 2024 Flight Academy Event

在周五, 4月19日, 2024, Too Fly基金会, co-founded by 东航卡帕 alum Bola Ibidapo, hosted its staple outreach at Dekalb Prep Academy. Over 50 students flooded into the school’s gym to experience the Too Fly Flight Academy. 飞行学院是一个高能量的动员大会式的外展活动,激发了学生们旅行的想法和探索的兴奋, many of whom do not have access to travel opportunities. 让学生去旅行的第一步是种下全球好奇心的种子. At Flight Academy, students experienced a Q&A session with a commercial pilot, created their own dream travel activity, got a little competitive in travel tips and etiquette trivia, 并与Too Fly团队和斯佩尔曼学院就旅行对年轻人的重要性和机会进行了一对一的交谈. See the larger photo gallery 在这里.

Too Fly基金会是一个非营利组织,旨在帮助代表性不足和资源不足的学生宝博体育和旅行. 自2016年以来,Too Fly已经帮助全国300多名学生看到了世界. 

Check out more photos from the event below! (Photo credits from the Flight Academy event below: 欧内斯特的时刻)

A group of students smiling at the camera and holding papers


A group of students smiling at the camera and holding papers




A group of students laughing and holding papers





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