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What 我将 Miss About Interning and Studying Abroad in 巴塞罗那

by 艾比Spangenberg
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作为我的 summer internship in 巴塞罗那 wraps up, I realize I have many mixed feelings about leaving my host 城市. This summer 留学项目 was my first time leaving the U.S.因此,我学到了很多关于成为一名世界公民和拥抱新体验的知识. On one hand, I can’t wait to go home and reunite with my family and friends; however, at the same time, there are things about 在巴塞罗那宝博体育 我会想念的. 作为我的 first international trip, 巴塞罗那 will always have a special place in my heart. 我在这里留下了难忘的回忆,甚至对离开也有复杂的感情, 我迫不及待地想回来参观这个我在过去两个月里爱上的城市. 谢谢巴塞罗那!

person smiling at lookout in 巴塞罗那

巴塞罗那 and I at the Spanish Bunkers.

  1. 靠近海岸的

I lived in Ohio my whole life so I wasn’t near a 海滩 growing up. The second weekend of the 留学项目当时,我和其他几个宝博体育生一起去马略卡岛(马略卡岛位于英国海岸附近)进行了一天的短途旅行 西班牙) and I swam in the ocean for the first time. 从那以后,我花了很多时间在阳光下放松,享受着令人惊叹的蓝色海水. 我最喜欢的海滩是Barceloneta(就在巴塞罗那)和Sitges(距离巴塞罗那约40分钟火车车程的海滩)。.

而我会怀念离地中海这么近,能轻松欣赏美景的日子, I won’t miss the Mediterranean heat. Personally, I melt in the heat. 幸运的是 most of the buildings have air conditioning; however, they don’t blast 它们的能量和它们在家里的能量是一样的,所以需要一点时间来适应. 我学会了采用西班牙的生活方式,这种生活方式是为了避暑而设计的. 这意味着我在早上和晚上都在外面散步 晚上. During the middle of the day is when you’ll hear that Spaniards take their 午睡. I learned that this doesn't necessarily mean taking a nap, but rather just going indoors for a bit to cool off. I grew to enjoy this lifestyle and may even adopt it as I return home.

Person smiling in selfie near blue water

A quick selfie with the Mediterranean Sea in Mallorca.

  1. 公共交通

At first, I was intimidated by the public transportation system here. Everyone walks so fast and they know exactly where they're going. 但当我读了这些标志并对它更加熟悉之后,我就爱上了这个系统. 公共交通 made it so easy to explore different sections of 巴塞罗那. 乘坐地铁,我从圣家堂(圣家堂是安东尼Gaudí最著名的建筑景点之一,也是不容错过的地方)到巴塞罗那只用了不到10分钟. 如果我想去的话 公园g埃尔(一个美丽的公园,也由Gaudí创建)或在西班牙地堡欣赏日落, I took a 20-minute bus ride which saved me from an uphill walk.

火车系统也使探索巴塞罗那以外的地区变得容易,比如沿海的不同海滩城镇或令人难以置信的蒙特塞拉特修道院. 当我去某个地方时,我所要做的就是在谷歌地图上输入目的地,它会给我准确的 方向.

巴塞罗那市也非常适合步行,所以锻炼身体、购物或观光是很好的选择. However, I’m so excited 再次开车. Even when I come home from Ohio State on breaks, I’m always so excited 再次开车. 我喜欢在有空调的车里躲避高温,跟着音乐唱歌. 但总体来说, 我很感激我学到了很多关于在新城市航行的知识,因为当我去另一个城市时,我知道, 我将 feel more prepared to figure out my way around.


I took the bus up to Gaudi's Park Guell.

  1. 超市购物

即将到来的一年将是我第一次住在俄亥俄州立大学的校外,并为自己买杂货. I’m glad I got a taste of what that’s like this summer; however, I know that it’ll look a little different when I arrive back in 美国.

I love grocery shopping here because it’s so cheap. 这是我一周的购物费用, 我通常会花18欧元左右,按照目前的汇率,大约是20美元. Granted, I have to go more frequently to get perishable items like bread and fruits because they go bad a little quicker here. 不管, 在杂货上花更少的钱真是太好了,因为这让我有更多的预算来购买周末旅行的火车票.

While I love the price of grocery shopping here, I'm looking forward to the convenience of shopping at home. 在巴塞罗那,我注意到商店更小,分成更多的专卖店. Products like medications and beauty items are located in pharmacies rather than in the grocery stores. 幸运的是, 几乎每个角落都有药店,所以你不用走很远, it may just take a few minutes longer to run errands than it does at home.

  1. 西班牙语

The main reason I chose to do an internship in 巴塞罗那 was to immerse myself in the Spanish language and culture. 所以很自然,这将是我回家后最想念的事情之一. 由于我的宝博体育主要是用西班牙语,我的同事告诉我,我的语言 skills have improved since starting. 我不仅扩大了自己的词汇量,学会了使用西班牙特有的词汇, 我也提高了我的发音和我理解和说话的流畅性. I feel so much more comfortable using my Spanish and 学会了即使我发音错误或有一点磕磕绊绊,也不要因为尝试说话而感到尴尬.

Two people pose on steps of Spanish landmark


然而,另一方面,我期待着在家里休息一下. 有时候,当我在一个会议上,很多人同时用西班牙语快速交谈时,我会感到筋疲力尽. 如果我输了 专注一秒钟,就需要更长的时间才能回到谈话的轨道上. So I’m excited for that little rest, 但当我回家的时候,我会寻找更多的方法说西班牙语,这样我就不会失去我学到的技能. I think that by listening to Spanish music, and conversing with my Spanish-speaking friends, 我将保持我的语言技能,直到下次我访问讲西班牙语的国家.


艾比Spangenberg is an official blogger for Summer '23, sharing her story in frequent posts on our blog. A Chemical 工程 major at Ohio State University, she is studying and interning abroad in 巴塞罗那 this semester. 所有表达的观点都是她自己的,可能反映也可能不反映其他学生的经历.

艾比Spangenberg is the Content Creator - 博客ger.
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