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I'm a Finance 主要 and These are the Non-业务 Courses I'm Taking Abroad

by 林恩见鬼
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东航卡帕提供了丰富的优秀课程选择, and I knew I couldn't make a bad decision about which classes to take in this study abroad program. One of the main reasons I chose to be a 东航卡帕 student in 弗洛伦斯 is because it is the birthplace of the Renaissance. I am a finance major, but I am excited to branch out of my comfort zone this Fall semester.

Although 东航卡帕 offers business internships and academics, I am taking all non-business 课程s! Deciding to take all humanities 课程s can be intimidating, especially as a finance major. 然而, the ability to study these topics in the birthplace of the Renaissance is so special to me. Here is an overview of my classes and what I hope to learn from 东航卡帕 弗洛伦斯.

  1. 文艺复兴时期艺术史

我很高兴能参与其中 文艺复兴时期艺术史 课程. I have never taken a history 课程 at university back in the States, 所以在文艺复兴开始的地方研究它是令人兴奋的. 在写这篇博文的时候,我已经上了一节课. This three-hour time block included a lecture on the history of 弗洛伦斯 and its art, and a walking tour around 弗洛伦斯 to make note of historically-relevant places. My professor is from 意大利 and is very knowledgeable about art history due to her own studies and her residence here. I feel fortunate to learn from her 课程 and learn from both lectures and experiences from walking around.

A view of 弗洛伦斯 during the walking component of the 文艺复兴时期艺术史 课程
A view of 弗洛伦斯 during the walking component of my 文艺复兴时期艺术史 课程.
在我的班级徒步旅行中看到的, this is one of the only towers built in the Gothic style in 弗洛伦斯. The missing bricks throughout the wall were used for wooden poles to connect buildings to each other.
  1. 跨文化与移民

In addition to a history 课程, I decided to take a sociology 课程. 我特别有兴趣了解更多关于 Interculture 和迁移 because of my family's background of immigration from Asia to the United States. I am fascinated with the role 意大利 has played and is currently playing in migrants' journeys. I also believe this 课程 is important to build my intercultural competencies.

这个班每周上一次课,每次三小时. 到目前为止,课程包括了定义跨文化的课程, 意大利电影探索移民, 以及让学生反思教学内容的期刊. 到目前为止,我很喜欢这门课!!

  1. 皮特学生初级意大利语1

I originally had not signed up for this 课程, but retrospectively, I am happy to be here! 初级意大利语1 教会我的不仅仅是意大利语, 而是要适应佛罗伦萨和意大利的文化. 学生们获得了关于乘火车的建议, 订购食品, and visiting places in addition to learning about the grammar and vocabulary of the Italian language!

这里有很多来自我家乡大学的学生, so I am in a special class consisting of just Pitt students who need to take Italian 1. 作为匹兹堡大学的学生, this has been a great way to connect with others easily because they are all familiar with the experience of being a Pitt student. 我们每周也见面三次,每次一小时, so the routine of meeting up with my fellow Pitt students can be very comforting.

  1. 形象雕塑初学者

我正在上的一门最有趣也最具挑战性的课程是 具象雕塑. 学习如何雕刻是不容易的壮举, 尤其是对于那些在非创造性课堂上学习的学生来说. 我对雕刻几乎一无所知, 在上课的第一天, 我们开始用手把柔软的粘土做成底座. I attempted to make a square base, but it ended up looking more like a circle. We are beginning by sculpting part of Michelangelo's famous David sculpture, located in 弗洛伦斯! I could choose between a nose and an eye, and I chose to recreate his eye.

My professor is a resident of 弗洛伦斯, who grew up and attended high school in the city. He explained to us how he was able to choose an artist's academic path through the 弗洛伦斯 high school system. 和一个真正的佛罗伦萨艺术家一起工作和学习是很酷的! 东航卡帕还使用了一个非常漂亮的工作室.

这个班每周上一次课,每次三小时. At first, I found the pacing to be slow and felt impatient with my progress on the sculpture. 然而, I have become more accustomed to Italian culture of slowing down and appreciating every moment of progress!

Creating the base of my first sculpture project: a replica of Michelangelo's David sculpture.
The 东航卡帕 Sculpture 课程 is hosted in a beautiful art studio featuring many works from previous students and artists.

Because of my classes at 东航卡帕, integrating into Italian culture has been relatively smooth. 佛罗伦萨每天都越来越像家了, and I am so grateful to live and learn in the birthplace of the Renaissance. 再见 现在!

林恩见鬼 内容创造者-博主.
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