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by 亚莎斯万
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It goes without saying that 巴黎 is known internationally for their artistic masterpieces, 巨大的博物馆, 高级时装. 作为一个 宝博体育 student, it can be overwhelming trying to juggle academics and 巴黎ian culture at the same time. 毕竟,巴黎很大. It’s easy to take a look at this city and feel more than a little bit lost in all the options. 但为了让自己沉浸在巴黎的文化中, 有一些不同的东西是绝对必要的.


从你在机场走下飞机的那一刻起, 你会立刻被巴黎建筑所吸引. The Eglise Saint-Eloi is a nearby church that was created in the same traditional Gothic style that fills so many of the city streets. 无论你如何选择游览巴黎, 是否开车, 公共汽车, 地铁, 有轨电车, 或踏板车, you’ll naturally find yourself stopping to really get a good look at the historic architecture all around you. Probably the best part of 巴黎ian architecture is the way the different styles blend together. As the city became a hub for creative minds throughout history, the landscapes grew with it. 当你探索这座城市, see if you can tell which era of history the surrounding buildings were created.


You don’t have to be an expert historian to notice some of the architectural periods that 巴黎 finds itself seamlessly flowing through. There’s Gallo-罗马, Renaissance, Medieval, Classical, and Gothic, just to name a few. 高卢罗马建筑非常赏心悦目, 因为它的坚固, 结构柱,风格雄伟. You’ll see this in the Church of Saint-Pierre de Montmartre and the Musée de Cluny. 如果你想找文艺复兴时期的作品, 那么没有比Hôtel Carnavalet更好的例子了. 最重要的是,文艺复兴时期优先考虑对称和比例. 总而言之,中世纪的历史是辉煌的. 当中世纪撕裂法国人民(革命万岁!),不可思议的卢浮宫最初是国王菲利普二世的城堡. 要准确说出古典主义在巴黎开始的时间是不可能的, but it is widely thought that it began in architecture in 1667 when King Louis XIV rejected previously scheduled plans to add on to the Louvre, 并选择了一个更稳定的补充, 受意大利语启发, 罗马, 和法国创作者. 其结果将改变我们所知的建筑. 当然, it is impossible to talk about 巴黎ian architecture without acknowledging that it is the birthplace of the Gothic style. All you have to do to find Gothic style buildings is simply walk for a few moments. But the most iconic example is none other than the stoic lady herself: Notre-Dame Cathedral, 俯瞰着巴黎高耸的石像鬼和不可错过的石雕.



毫无疑问,时尚是巴黎文化的重要组成部分. 毕竟,这座城市创造了高级时装的世界! 直接翻译为“高级缝纫”或“高级时尚”,” haute couture is the essence of creating something otherworldly and unique. 它通常结合了非常昂贵的资产, 高品质的面料缝在一起,创造意想不到的东西. 预算? 没有必要. 对于巴黎的高级时装来说,价格再高也不为过. This type of trendsetting fashion dates back all the way to the 17th century, when Queen Marie Antoinette brought one-of-a-kind fashion (along with some other rather unsavory things, (就此而言)对法国人民. 晚些时候, courtier Charles Fredrick Worth began creating private pieces of fashion for an exclusive clientele. As his work took off, the world of haute couture really began to take off, too. It is also worth noting that these pieces of work aren't meant for your daily stroll to the supermarket. In fact, they aren’t really meant for any sort of event other than a strut down the runway. 做的衣服是非卖品. They are constructed more as an art piece, showcasing some of the world’s many talented designers. 如果你有幸在巴黎参加一年一度的时装周活动, 你一定会注意到它对普通巴黎人的影响. 但即使是在这个盛大的节日之外, you can see that the average 巴黎ian puts care and thought into their outdoor outfits. Blazers, fashionable jeans, skirts, formal trousers, and dresses are the norm here. 是的,你会看到很多贝雷帽.



不管你花了多少时间 巴黎留学, 你不会怀疑这个城市里到处都是富人, 跨越数千年的文化历史. It’s just something that is so huge and vast that it simply cannot be learned in one day's time. 如果可以的话,在这里的时候尽量多去参观博物馆和画廊. 这个城市绝对是充满了他们. 要看的东西太多了,简直让人应接不暇. If you’re not sure where to start, consider organizing your time as a tourist into different days. 这里的许多画廊和博物馆都是按时期组织的. For the classic history buffs, the Museum of the Middle Ages is a great place to start. 从地下墓穴步行大约30分钟, 对于那些想看看传说中的人类墓地的人来说. The Louvre is the world’s biggest art museum, and it should definitely be treated as such. Spending hours upon hours walking through centuries of art and history can seem daunting, but even the most focused students will find the sheer number of works to be too much to handle all at once. 所以,留出两三天的时间来吸收它. 相信我,你会记住并更加欣赏它的. But if you’re looking for the absolute best way to immerse yourself in 巴黎ian history? 在网上或亲自到旅游信息中心办一张博物馆通行证. 这是最物有所值的, giving you a fast-tracked entrance to over a hundred museums and galleries here in 法国.


Of course, there are so many other parts of 巴黎ian culture (croissants, anyone?这将使你在这里的经历终生难忘. 糕点店, 面包店, and more wine than you could ever imagine are just a few ways that will make you wish 巴黎 was your forever home. The absolute best way to immerse yourself in 巴黎ian culture is to get out there. Talk to people, ask your servers what their favorite part of the city is as a local. 毕竟, the first step to being fully immersed in a culture is to learn as much as you can, 有一颗像埃菲尔铁塔一样大的心.

亚莎斯万 is the Spring 2020 CEA MOJO 博客ger in 巴黎, 法国, and is currently studying at Sheridan College.
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