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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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国内大学: 俄克拉荷马大学

主要(s): 西班牙语

在校时间: 高级

你做国际宝博体育的目的是什么? 是什么因素让你决定参加CEA在布宜诺斯艾利斯的宝博体育项目? 


我已经有过宝博体育的经历, and since I am approaching my final year in college I thought it was time to get out of my comfort zone and take one step further abroad by doing a professional 布宜诺斯艾利斯宝博体育! 除了, I really see myself utilizing my 西班牙语 and working abroad in the fields of teaching and/or tourism, 所以在说西班牙语的国家培养技能是一个很好的开始. So, my goal was simply to start building a professional foundation abroad to help me better understand global multiculturalism in the workplace. 我第一次选择CEA是去 格拉纳达,西班牙 ——而他们的现场团队也不能再好了. It was therefore reasonable to put all my trust with CEA again to take a step out of my comfort zone for the internship. I chose 布宜诺斯艾利斯 because I have been to 阿根廷 before but wanted to understand their city life better. 我还想继续提高自己在世界各地的西班牙语方言的能力, 而阿根廷是最难把握的! 


Be aware of what things (big or small) you are sacrificing from your life in your country when faced with a new culture. 一旦你认识到这些因素, use the cultural differences as a way to gather more insight about the culture itself rather than using U.S. 评判他们的标准.

What kind of exposure to the local culture did you get as an intern that you would not have gotten as a traditional study abroad student? 


最明显的是必须接触当地人! It's not uncommon to see many students in traditional study abroad programs hanging out mostly with those from their home country. 这并没有错, but an essential part of understanding a culture is much more than just visiting beautiful geographic locations, 吃不同的食物, and going to the tourist hot spots — actually talking can provide you with aspects of the culture that the other tangible factors cannot. I think the biggest concern for many students is their insecurity in having to speak and comprehend a foreign language and feeling embarrassed (I refer to students who are studying the language of the country they are in). 我真的理解这种恐惧, but I assure everybody that locals really appreciate it when you attempt to speak their language. 就这件事而言, 我不相信障碍真的是语言障碍(你不需要完美)!),而是由于学生缺乏自信而造成的心理问题. 我们能说英语是一种荣幸,因为世界上大多数人都在学习英语, 而是作为一个专注于丰富我们在全球社会中的全球竞争力和角色的人, 我认为我们也需要回馈社会,表达我们对其他语言的欣赏和尊重.  如果你正在学习这个国家的语言, 没有比说话更好的方法了! 这样做会产生积极的影响:结交新朋友, 新的机遇, 增强你的自信,对他们的文化有新的了解. 


我更有信心用西班牙语表达自己, 这对于我未来在国外工作的目标是非常必要的. I also developed more cultural sensitivity and understanding of possible cultural differences that need to be adapted to for careers abroad. 我认识到我的一个成长领域, 哪一种是不受挫折地适应变化的能力, and learning more about the lifestyle in Latin American culture helped me to strengthen that weakness. 我的宝博体育也高度依赖于与人的互动, 所以我的沟通能力也提高了! 

你会鼓励其他和你专业的学生去CEA宝博体育吗? 你会给他们什么建议? 

3我总是推荐学生到CEA,因为他们有各种各样的机会和选择. An 国际宝博体育 will of course provide you with common skills your local ones can too, but it provides you with even more just for the fact that you are living and working in a different culture. 你会学到很多关于文化和它今天的现状, 这反过来又会对你的职业和个人成长产生影响. 也就是说,我的建议是走出你的舒适区,不要想太多. 直到出国的那一周,我才知道我将在哪里工作! 根据我的经验,我的同学也在做宝博体育, all of our supervisors and coworkers were so welcoming to us and the corporate environment is so different from what we would expect in the USA. Both CEA and your internship organization want you to have a memorable experience where you are out of your comfort zone just enough so you can comfortably grow. 


I think I lucked out with my organization because it required me to go to different places and do different things every day of the week. My organization was about helping vulnerable communities in the country and the Jewish Holocaust survivors who fled to the country after World War II. 整个星期,我都会帮助捐赠衣物, 医学捐款, 针织车间, 并开展各种有趣的活动来帮助大屠杀幸存者. 在家里,我要为组织的网站做一些在线翻译. 另一方面,我喜欢“爬咖啡”,和朋友见面 merienda 最重要的是,每周和当地人一起上阿根廷探戈课! 

你在宝博体育期间是如何安排时间的, 类, 社会活动(包括平衡留学朋友和当地人之间的时间)和旅游? 


老实说,我觉得给所有东西腾出空间并没有那么困难. 我做过兼职宝博体育, 哪一个是平均每周工作15-25小时, 这取决于组织. 所需的宝博体育研讨课每周也只有一次! I think I had too much free time — I took eight hours of my day in a salon coloring my hair to silver!

你有没有怀疑过自己的决定?  如果是这样,你是怎么克服的,你现在感觉如何?

我是一个目标明确、有上进心的女孩. I already had thought about all the possibilities of my decision and knew that no matter what happened I would find a positive from it and find a connection in how my experience would benefit me for any future endeavors (professional or personal). 

What recommendations do you have for developing a good relationship with your co-workers and your supervisor? 

第一周是给别人留下友好印象的关键, 因为在你工作的时间框架内,你会看到这些人. 甚至在你开始一周的工作之前, you will have an orientation meeting with your supervisor and during that you should really make sure to sound enthusiastic and grateful for what he/she has planned for you. 最后别忘了感谢你的主管! My natural tendency is to find a balance between being professional while still letting my natural personality shine through. 我笑我的错误, 我大声说出我古怪的想法, 我一定会问他们一些问题来了解他们. 如果你在他们没有要求的情况下说他们的语言,你会得到额外的加分. The coworkers and other members of the community I interacted with were especially impressed and wanted to get to know me more because they understood me speaking their language! 

提示: 人们最常问你的问题是: 你在这个国家做什么?你从哪里来? 你在学什么?? 你在公司里做什么? If you can practice answering these questions in their language until you can do it almost effortlessly you will definitely come off as “really good” in their language! 一些很好的问题可以帮助你开始一段自然流畅的对话: 你以前来过我的国家吗? 你想去哪里参观? 你以前旅行过吗?? 你为什么会加入这个组织?

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