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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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GRX1 -副本


My semester abroad was my wildest adventure, my biggest accomplishment, and the best time of my life. 而CEA把这一切都给了我. 

我从八岁起就知道了th grade Spanish trip to 西班牙 that someday I wanted to study abroad. 当那一天到来的时候,我知道我需要待在西班牙. I had 12 years of Spanish under my belt and was ready to take the country by storm. Going into the study abroad office at my university and facing hundreds of choices for locations and programs was overwhelming, 就在那时,CEA找到了我. 我的导师提到了这个项目,我就被迷住了.  

It was about a month before my departure that I got an email explaining that I could add an internship to my program. I looked into that option and decided that there was no better way to experience a country than working in it. 

When I arrived in 格拉纳达, 西班牙, I was placed with the Colegio de Virgen de Gracia. 这是一所位于市中心的私立学校. There, I had the opportunity to work with students who were 5-6 years old. 我了解了西班牙的学校制度, 还得协助老师制定教学计划, 游戏, 演讲, 项目, 和分级.  


When I decided to do an 国际宝博体育, it was purely for the experience. 我希望有一天能在国际上工作, and this was the perfect opportunity to dip my toes in and test the water. I had originally hoped to be placed with International Cooperation NGO but was instead placed at the local school, 这是一个完美的契合. Although it was outside of my field of study (majoring in International 业务 and Spanish), 这促使我对教育领域有了更多的了解. 与当地人交谈也很有帮助, and children have no problem telling you when you’ve messed up your grammar or a verb. It was nice to have that no-filter correction, and it improved my Spanish by leaps and bounds.  

国际宝博体育为我的简历增色不少, but it also gave me the life experience to know that when I land a job internationally in my career, I’m confident that I will do okay in the new work environment. 

GRX3-2 -收到

Were there aspects of the internship that you had doubts about? 你是怎么处理的? Would you encourage other students with your major to 在国外宝博体育 with CEA? 你会给他们什么建议? 

I had huge doubts about the internship, especially after I received my placement. I was a little disappointed because I had wanted to experience something in my field. 宝博体育专家 萨迪Foltz 逼我去学校试试, and even though I didn’t see teaching in my future and didn't feel like I was great with kids, she was encouraging -- adding that I might learn something useful or find a new passion. 当然,她是对的. 我在学校学到了很多东西. 我对帮助学生有了新的热情, 虽然我仍然没有看到我的未来教学, 我确实从国外宝博体育中学到了很多. 

如果学生正在考虑宝博体育,并有疑问, my biggest advice is this: you're already pushing yourself so far out of the comfort zone by living in a new city, 在新大陆上. You’re probably learning a new language, meeting new people, and trying new foods. What is taking one step further and jumping into an internship? What do you have to lose, when you can gain a whole new world of experience?


每一天都不一样. 我每周的宝博体育时间都在周二完成. 我会在早上9点左右到达学校.m. I would go to my class and help with whatever project the students were already working on. 然后到了换科目或班级的时候, I would help the teacher get everything set up and ready and help explain the new assignment, 教训, 或者做一个项目. I would occasionally take the students one on one and practice reading in English, 抽认卡, 或者学习游戏. It was helpful for the teachers to have someone who spoke English as their first language to help with pronunciation or grammar. I would occasionally help grade some of the older students' papers that were written in English. 然后,学生们会去吃点心和休息时间. 当他们回来时, 我通常在美术教室帮忙, 帮助建立艺术站, 让孩子们去做新的项目, 并整理完成的项目进行评分.  

I was lucky enough that I got to attend a few days of school on weeks with upcoming 假期. This meant that the students had parties and did 项目 and activities pertaining to the 假期. I got to eat traditional holiday foods and learn quite a bit about the region, 假期, 不同的文化传统. It wasn’t a typical day, but the holiday weeks were some of the best! 

GRX2 -复制


宝博体育结束时, we were assigned to complete a research essay pertaining to our placement. 大约有10页长, and you really had to use your experiences and information gained to write the paper. I wrote mine about the differences I experienced in the school system in 西班牙 versus the school system in the United States. 有一些很大的不同, 通过研究和我的亲身经历, I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the Spanish school system now.

搜索CEA程序,找到一个 西班牙宝博体育.

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