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by 詹姆斯Longenderfer
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Longenderfer-伦敦-Fall-2016-Goodbye-伦敦...-现在- 1 - 640 x640

我想可以肯定地说我的 我在伦敦留学 has completely changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. 在这三个月中, I've gotten the chance to speak with people from countries all across Europe and Asia, and got the chance to visit and experience cultures vastly different from my own. This theme of unfamiliarity became the perfect backdrop on which to analyze myself and learn things I have previously overlooked while in the comfort of my home culture. Here are a few things I've learned from this incredible experience:


我以前真的不知道会发生什么 在伦敦留学. 我知道欧洲人 人类, but how much would I be able to relate to them? What are their hobbies, what do they do for fun? Well, when it really comes down to it, we're all completely the same. The college kids over here are just as likely to go to clubs, 听音乐, 看体育, 吃食物, 旅行. 除了不同的语言, I found it hard to differentiate between cultures, 因为一段时间后, I just saw everyone as a fellow young person navigating their life in the world. It was a bit refreshing, and really allowed me to easily connect with other cultures.


我一直是美食的忠实粉丝, and have made it a point to try anything new that comes my way. I had taken this mindset going into my 宝博体育 experience, and man was I glad I did. I was constantly surrounded by gr吃食物s from every culture I could possibly imagine, 我怎么也看不够. 让自己接受这些新食物, I have greatly broadened my tastes and have gained an even hungrier desire to try new things.

 A big pan of seafood paella at Borough Market. 好吃。!

Socializing isn't nearly as scary as it seems.

Those of us whose personality leans toward introversion may find the concept of studying abroad terrifying-myself included. 事实证明, forcing myself into this situation was the best way to face this fear and make new friends. Many of the Europeans I've met have been very welcoming and eager to have a conversation with you. I remember going on a 酒吧 crawl in Edinburgh with people from my hostel, and was immediately roped into a conversation by some friendly Greeks. That night became one of my fondest memories abroad.

 A friend and I visit "Winter Wonderland" in Hyde Park

The world is a beautiful place, and it needs to be explored.

Above everything, this trip has instilled a sense of adventure in me, the "旅行 bug," if you will. 每个城市, 博物馆, 酒吧, 咖啡馆, 我去过的餐厅, I gained more of a sense of how much I enjoyed exploring what the other side of the world has to show me. It really made me realize how many different ways 人类ity has taken the idea of a civilization and translated it into their own culture. 甚至连城市的设计都引起了我的兴趣. I was taken aback by the beauty of 阿姆斯特丹, after walking through its canal-lined neighborhoods. 或者在爱丁堡, 经过一个小时的爬山后, I was rewarded with breath-taking views atop Arthur's seat. Point being: the world has a lot of things to see, and you can't see it without removing yourself from the comfort of your home.

 A great view of Edinburgh from Arthur's Seat

詹姆斯L. is the Fall 2016 东航 MOJO in 伦敦, 英格兰. He is currently a senior studying 企业管理 at West Chester University of Pennsylvania

詹姆斯Longenderfer 2016年秋季东航 MOJO博主在伦敦吗, 英格兰, and is currently studying at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.
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